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7-9 MAY 2025
Queen Sirikit National Convention Center
Bangkok, Thailand
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Investment of USD 5 trillion by 2050 is needed in Southeast Asia in renewable power, grids and transition-related power technologies and infrastructure to bring us to achieve a climate-safe 1.5°C, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

Power generation & grid represents a key stream across the strategic summit, technical conference and exhibition showcase at Future Energy Asia 2023 - the region's most Important Energy Transition event convening Energy Ministers, Industry CEOs.

The power generation & grid zone will feature exciting next-generation technologies, R&D advances, and game changing products, services, and solutions.

Future Energy Asia has the unique strength in convening (i) Government Ministries that shape the regulations and policy initiatives; (ii) major project developers with multi-billion investment portfolios in the region; and (iii) major players across the power generation & grid value chain.