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7-9 MAY 2025
Bangkok, Thailand
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Wednesday 15 May 2024

Thursday 16 May 2024

Friday 17 May 2024

10:00 13:00

Opening Ceremony – FEA | FLA

13:00 13:15

Chair’s Opening Remarks

Pat Roberts

Managing Director

LNG Worldwide Ltd

13:15 14:15

Session 1: Outlook – The LNG & Gas Global Outlook Medium Term to 2030 and Beyond to 2040

This keynote session will explore the medium-term prospects for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and gas markets, extending through 2040. It will analyse the evolving demand landscape in the Asia Pacific region, considering net-zero pathways. Key questions include whether LNG can address the trilemma of energy security, affordability, and decarbonisation. It will also explore price levels for LNG affordability, latent demand, and changes from key regional buyers pursuing net-zero goals. On the supply side, it discusses new capacity, the attractiveness of USLNG, non-US projects, carbon footprint certification, and the impact of decarbonisation efforts on LNG project development. Can LNG quickly resolve the trilemma of guaranteeing energy security, affordability, and its own decarbonisation to become attractive and adopted throughout the region? At what approximate price levels do we see LNG being affordable and sustainable to Asian buyers? Will the DoE pause on permitting have a material impact for Asian markets, and can other non-US projects take the lead in the next 12-18 months? What impact is the need to decarbonise having on the develop and costs of LNG projects?

Attendee Insights:
Hear from LNG leaders from across the region share insights into the dynamic LNG landscape, considering both demand and supply factors, and analyse the challenges and opportunities for LNG growth in the Asia Pacific region.


Pat Roberts

Managing Director

LNG Worldwide Ltd

Jefferson Edwards

VP, Global Market Analytics

Shell LNG Marketing & Trading

Unai Pastor Aguirrezabal

VP Origination

Cheniere Energy

Fabian Kor

Executive Vice President, Asia Pacific


Yaoyu Zhang

Global Head of LNG & New Energies

PetroChina International

14:15 15:15

Session 2: Procurement – Evolution of Flexibility in Asia-Pacific’s LNG Procurement

The outlook for LNG trading growth in Asia remains positive, with spot trading gaining prominence. However, buyers are adjusting their strategies to cope with uncertain demand outlooks, incorporating more flexibility into their LNG portfolios. This includes diversifying supply sources, adjusting contract terms, and optimising storage and regasification capacities. The attractiveness of USLNG in Asian markets is evolving, and buyers are exploring its potential benefits. Suppliers recognise the value of flexibility and are adjusting contract terms, offering diverse pricing structures, and accommodating changes in delivery schedules. How are buyers adapting to uncertain demand outlooks in their businesses and building more flexibility into their portfolios? What are the most effective risk management techniques for volatile LNG markets? What contracting changes are we seeing? What is the outlook for LNG trading growth generally in Asia?

Attendee Insights:
Gain key insights into how market volatility is reshaping the trading landscape in Asia Pacific with buyers incorporating flexibility into their portfolios and suppliers recognising the value of adjusting contract terms, and to what extend disruption will continue and evolve through 2024/25.


Kenneth Foo

Associate Director, APAC LNG

S&P Global Commodity Insights

Dulyapun (Den) Buranawit

Vice President - Strategic Planning & Business Development

PTT Global LNG

Delphi Sun

Assistant President & Head of Global LNG

ENN Natural Gas Co., Ltd.

Ralf Dickgreber

Head of Global LNG & Biomass


15:15 16:15

Session 3: Shipping – LNG Shipping Availability, Decarbonisation & Supply Chain Disruption

Asian LNG demand is continuing to increase, supported by strong economic growth and recent LNG price declines, leading to a strong order book up to 2030. However, shipping faces ongoing disruption to key trade routes, with transit disruption through the Panama Canal and Suez Canal, and is continuing to adapt to IMO regulations and future-proofing vessel designs. This session will also address future opportunities for shipping, exploring its role in carbon capture and storage, and as a key driver for unlocking new energy supply chains. What impact will the transiting restrictions through the Panama Canal and Suez Canal have in setting trading patterns and freighting patterns for the future? What is the longer-term outlook for shipping as it adapts to IMO regulations and new design specifications?

Attendee Insights:
Find out how new regulation, fuel, and technology are shaping the future of shipping in Asia and globally, and what impact these changes will have on supply chains and profitability moving forward.


Michelle Ma

Senior LNG Broker & Partner

Affinity LNG Pte. Ltd.

Hazrin Hasan

VP Gas Assets & Solutions

MISC Berhad

Toby Forrest

Head of Head, Chartering & Shipping Operations

Pavilion Energy

Alvin Wang

Head of Shipping & Operations

ENN Natural Gas Co., Ltd

Jack Jones

General Manager, Energy Transportation & Supply Chain Solutions

NYK Line

Felix Booth

Head of LNG



Close of Summit Day One

10:00 10:15

Chair's Opening Remarks

Pat Roberts

Managing Director

LNG Worldwide Ltd

10:15 11:15

Session 4: Regional LNG – Key Markets Driving Asia Pacific’s LNG Demand Growth

Pricing levels play a crucial role in stimulating long-term demand in Asia. In North Asian markets, balancing LNG with decarbonisation objectives is challenging, and managing expiring contracts amid uncertain demand is crucial, leading to some discussion on long-term contracts. In South & Southeast Asian markets, high LNG prices impact new entrants and existing projects, encouraging the optimisation of infrastructure, and bolstering firm LNG supply. For the Indian Sub-Continent markets, price sensitivity is a challenge, and appetite for investing in US projects or committing to HH-indexed LNG is being assessed. The question remains whether high prices defer or destroy LNG demand. How much appetite is there for new long-term contracts in key Asia markets? What impact has high prices had on new entrants and their existing projects and their planned gas to power projects? What is the appetite to invest in US projects or commit to long term HH indexed LNG?

Attendee Insights:
Assessing the current and future appetite for LNG in key Asian markets as they balance economic viability, environmental concerns, and energy independence.


Marty Sinthavanarong

Head of International Business

Gulf Energy

Mizlan Masri

EVP, Commercial

Diamond Gas International

Imam Mul Akhyar

Group Head Marketing & Corporate Sales


Zhi Xin Chong

Senior Director, Emerging Asia Gas and LNG

S&P Global Commodity Insights

Christopher Goncalves

Chair and Managing Director, Energy & Climate.

Berkeley Research Group

11:15 12:00

Session 5: Country Spotlights – Thailand and China

These two dynamic markets are shaping the future of LNG in Asia. In Thailand, LNG development is gaining momentum due to lower prices, and it is playing a crucial role in driving economic recovery. However, the country faces challenges balancing energy security and with net-zero commitments. In China, imports are recovering from a slump in 2022, with January imports jumping nearly 30% year-on-year, and LNG helping to drive its green transition, and shape future demand globally. What role will natural gas play in each market? What efforts are being made in each market to mitigate emissions from LNG? And what impact will China’s changing energy mix and Thailand’s substitution of domestic gas have on LNG?

Attendee Insights:
Gain valuable insights into these two pivotal players, exploring what impact their natural gas, emissions reduction, and energy transitions strategies will have on regional and global energy dynamics.


Abhishek Rohatgi

Head of APAC Gas & Global LNG Research


Christophe Malet


Hanas New Energy Group

Alexander Ermakov

Energy Econometrician

Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)

Na Liao

VP & Chief Consultant

Mysteel Oilchem

Joseph Tomkiewicz

Energy Legal Advisor & VP of Regions

Association of International Energy Negotiators (AIEN)

12:00 13:00

Session 6: How can FSRUs and Land-Based Terminals Support LNG Growth Markets?

FSRU’s enable rapid and cost-effective LNG import capacity growth, offering flexibility and adaptability. However, bringing them online requires addressing technical, regulatory, and infrastructure challenges. Small-scale LNG distribution and bunkering are potential growth areas, and FSRU’s play a pivotal role in expanding these markets, especially in Asia. The strategic deployment of both FSRU’s and land-based terminals is essential for meeting diverse LNG demand and fostering industrial growth throughout the region. What is the regional overview of the projects under construction and those planned to 2030 for both FSRUs and land-based terminals? What has been the impact of European FSRU demand in deploying FSRU’s in Asia Pacific? Can China and India sustain the recent growth in new terminals?

Attendee Insights:
Hear from industry leaders with real-world knowledge as they explore how new construction techniques, innovation, and technology is shaping the future of FSRU’s and land-based terminals, unlocking new supply and growth opportunities throughout the region.


Neil Pollock

Senior Consultant LNG and Marine

Poten & Partners

Satinder Pal Singh


Adani Total Private Limited

Sandeep Mahawar

SVP, Head of Region Asia

Höegh LNG

Parth Jindal

SVP, Global Head LNG


Chester KY Chan

Head of LNG & Multi-Commodity Origination (East of Suez) Natural Gas

PetroChina International

13:00 13:45

Session 7: CCUS – Unlocking Commercial Opportunities with the New Carbon Economy

CCUS solutions represent a significant opportunity for the Asia-Pacific region, helping to decarbonise hard to abate sectors, create new valued-added applications – such as synthetic fuels and materials – and unlock new commercial value chains. However, establishing new CCUS projects requires significant investment, government support, and a new policy framework for the region. Collaboration among different industry, government, and regulators is crucial for accelerating the adoption of CCUS solutions and highlighting its role in achieving net-zero goals. What are the economic and technical considerations for implementing carbon capture projects in the region? What are the economic and policy barriers to large-scale deployment of carbon capture? What are the potential sites for safe carbon storage in the Asia-Pacific, and what regulatory frameworks are needed? How can captured carbon dioxide be effectively utilised in hard to abate industrial processes? How can different industries collaborate to accelerate the adoption of carbon capture solutions?

Attendee Insights:
Gain insights into how collaboration, incentives, and technology are reducing the cost of CCUS, enabling significant emission reductions in hard to abate sectors, and unlocking new growth opportunities in the new carbon economy.


Julien Perez

Managing Director

Oil & Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI)

Alice Zhang

CCS Commercial Manager - Asia


Ciaran Roe



Jom Madan

Senior Research Analyst, Scenarios & Technologies

Wood Mackenzie

13:45 14:45

Session 8: Transition – The Role of LNG in Asia-Pacific’s Energy Transition

Buyers in Asia are increasingly interested in LNG with low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Delivering GHG-neutral LNG, as demonstrated by Shell’s recent delivery to Taiwan, is a step toward addressing emissions concerns. While companies focus on Scope 1 and 2 emissions (from operations and bought fuel), they also grapple with pressure to address Scope 3 emissions (from products). Changing regulations and evolving clean energy expectations add complexity to adopting new decarbonisation technologies. However, innovative technologies and strategic planning will drive its evolution, with LNG’s resilience and adaptability contributing significantly to Asia-Pacific’s sustainable energy future. What policy changes are needed to encourage the sustainable use of LNG? Hoe effectively are organisations in Japan and the wider region reducing their Scope 1 and 2 emissions. What emerging technologies will have the greatest impact on achieving net-zero goals?

Attendee Insights:
Reviewing current emission reduction strategies in key Asian markets, what impact cross-border collaboration and regulation will have on future efforts, and how technology can make further accelerate decarbonisation in the LNG value chain.


Jordan Lee

APAC Energy & Climate Manager

TBI Government Advisory

Yosuke Sato

VP, Corporate Planning

Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)

Michelle Kim

Energy Finance Specialist, South Korea

Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)

Marc Howson

Head of Asia Pacific & Global LNG


14:45 15:45

Session 9: Finance – Financing Asia Pacific’s Energy Transition

Rapid growth in energy demand across Asia is seeing LNG become the fuel of choice, driven by expanding populations, rising standards of living, and sprawling urbanisation. With LNG production and transportation at an all-time high, Asia is seeing new opportunities for both land-based import terminals as well as floating storage and regasification facilities. However, critical barriers to LNG value chain financing are likely to constrain demand growth in South and Southeast Asian markets, as cost inflation, demand fluctuations, and delays in approving new developments impact long-term investment in the industry. How are lenders responding to the uncertainties in LNG demand and deployment of funds between different fuels? What efforts do host governments need to make to promote investment in LNG infrastructure and promote LNG as a new demand centre? What are the key hurdles currently associated to the development of energy projects in Asia Pacific?

Attendee Insights:
Explore how best to secure investment and financing to successfully deliver new LNG projects, and understand how Asia can transition from fossil fuels to cleaner energy sources whilst balancing economic imperatives and climate goals.


Eithne Treanor

Founder & CEO

E.Treanor Media

Omar Sekkat

SVP – Energy Finance

DNB Bank

Tomoyuki Miyaguchi

Chief Representative – Thailand

Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)

Ronald Teckwani

Head, Natural Resources, Project Finance Team

Mizuho Bank, Ltd


Chair's Closing Remarks

10:00 14:00

Spotlight Session 10 – Strategic And Commercial Implications Of Ghg Emissions Intensity For Power Generation

Evaluating energy supply through the lens of GHG emissions intensity is a crucial first step toward the decarbonisation of energy systems.

Amid mounting energy security challenges and decarbonization efforts, BRG's Energy & Climate team has found that U.S. liquified natural gas (USLNG) has the lowest greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity for power generation compared to other leading fossil fuel supply chains, with few exceptions.

This unique spotlight session will provide a detailed analysis of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions across fuel supply chains in 13 European and Asian end markets, effectively demonstrating how natural gas producers and consumers can assess emissions at a systemic level, enhancing their competitiveness and contributing to a sustainable future.

Spotlight Leaders
Christopher Goncalves, Chair & Managing Director, BRG Energy & Climate
Seng Leong Tan, Managing Consultant, BRG Energy & Climate

12:00 12:30

Networking Coffee break

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Thursday 16 May 2024

Friday 17 May 2024

*Timings and sessions correct at time of publishing, subject to change.